Entertainment is an exciting and dynamic ecosystem. New movies, books, TV shows, songs, books, games, and videos are created all the time. The professional production and distribution of entertainment has exploded in the digital era, as new ways of delivering content spur change and acceleration.
But explosions, even beautiful ones, can cause fracturing.
At MediaHound, we love the digital content revolution and we build technologies that solve the problems it inevitably causes for consumers, businesses, and brands. People come to the content revolution with different perspectives: the consumer who wants to find and enjoy entertainment in a variety of old and emerging ways, a friend suggesting content to a heterogeneous network of followers, the student trying to understand the way our civilization changes in this digital media landscape, the creative person trying to understand where his or her own work fits in as well, the executive trying to track an emerging trend or elucidate a new message by connecting it with a timeless truth, the marketer looking for a new audience to reach or a new association for a brand, and even the curious onlooker who wants to join the conversation. Like our own universe, the galaxies of content are expanding faster than we can understand them. To truly know all of the content that exists and where we stand in relationship to it, we would need a universal content tracking system. An intelligent, automatically updated GPS with encyclopedic coverage of all content, the people who create it, and the fans who consume, discuss, or curate that content.
MediaHound makes that GPS. It’s called The Entertainment Graph. Leveraging Neo4j, the leading graph database, and other complimentary technologies, we create a unique identifier for every piece of entertainment content and connect it with all the related content, people, concepts, tags, sentiments, sources, and metadata. This accurate database of metadata and availability information automatically updates, constantly filling in the information gaps that have occurred naturally as both the business and craft of entertainment have changed.
The Entertainment Graph powers apps that help people search for, share, and discover movies, books, games, shows, and music across all devices, formats, and legal distribution services. It also creates an environment for exploration and insight. By navigating the graph and examining the connections between its nodes, we come to understand the way people express ideas over time through words, images, sounds, and experiences. Genres, trends, careers, and periods are all illustrated in The Entertainment Graph. Real people enrich this data with their reactions, emotions, reviews, descriptions, and taxonomies. Along the way, MediaHound users develop a complete and permanent taste profile that allows them to make and receive better recommendations.
As a company, our plan is to use this platform to deliver the best consumer applications possible. These MediaHound applications are built on The Entertainment Graph and will allow people to manipulate the data through an intuitive, delightful experience so they can benefit from its depth and breadth. Over time we will also tap The Entertainment Graph to create API programs, analytics dashboards, additional consumer apps, and other products that allow everyone to make the most of MediaHound’s unique data platform. With the help of everyone in the entertainment ecosystem, we will continue to grow and improve The Entertainment Graph.